Guitar Business World provides a number of unique Editorial Opportunities for companies and individuals involved in the business world of guitar. Here’s a few of those Opps below…
Just Announced
One of our standard weekly features is Just Announced, a regular flow of very brief “snippet style” announcements from all over the business world of guitar. We spread the word with interesting and worthwhile announcements in the form of new products and services, special offers of interest, upcoming events, news of all kinds (regular, unusual or investigative), artists and music business, and more as long as it's guitar-related in some way. Got something? Reach out at
The Notable Guitar
Another new feature in our editorial lineup is called, The Notable Guitar. Each week we highlight special guitars that have a unique and interesting story to them. The parameters for the articles are broad, but here’s a few:
The instrument can be guitar, bass or similar stringed instrument.
It can be a new, custom or vintage instrument that you (or your company) built or acquired.
It should have a uniqueness to it that will capture the interest of our audience. That is wide open.
You must have high-quality, high-resolution images of the instrument.
You must have the proper rights to give GBW permission to write, publish and promote a feature article about the instrument.
Of course, we will provide appropriate attribution and link back to the site of choice and other promotion. If you’re interested in participating, contact us at Or, download the info sheet below:
Notable Sites
Our newest series in our Features category is designed to spotlight unique guitar-related websites that deliver interesting and, in many cases, valuable content. We’ve aptly called it… Notable Sites.
If you have a recommendation, just reach out and tell us about it at We’d love to hear from you.
In the Business
GBW is a "hybrid business publication" because it takes the business perspective and applies it to an audience that includes not just business owners and operators, but literally everyone who works in the industry including artists, as well as enthusiasts who are just interested.
In a regular feature called In the Business, we feature artists, entrepreneurs, industry folks and others with compelling views and stories about how they have managed their success (or otherwise) in the business world of guitar. For more information, email us at
GBW NAMM 2025 Coverage
If you’re an exhibitor or an attendee at NAMM 2025, we’re inviting you or your media representatives to contribute relevant news, announcements, press releases, and more for us to consider publishing in GBW’s special NAMM Coverage. Get in touch with us at a special email address:
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